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How Many Jobs Are Available In Consumer Non-Durables?


How many jobs are available in consumer non-durables? There are plenty of opportunities in the field of non-durables sector. This sector encompasses a broad area, ranging from food and personal care products, to offering a countless number of goods and services. As a consequence, it stands as a substantial contributor to employment, accommodating individuals from diverse backgrounds and skill sets.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports a workforce of over 17 million in the consumer non-durables sector, making it one of the largest employers in the country, with a 7% growth forecast from 2020 to 2030. Before knowing how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables let’s have a look at what types of industries and products belong in these categories.

What Is Consumer Non-Durable?

consumer non durables jobs
Image Source- https://rb.gy/q7rxh

Consumer non-durables are the products that have the daily necessity but these are going to finish within a very short time. The demand for these products is high and the sales and product distribution are also very high. 

Here are some of the examples of consumer non-durable products.

  • Food and drinks 
  • Skincare ranges
  • Paper products
  • Fuel for car or anything
  • Cleaning supplies

Now let’s see how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables and with high-paying salaries.

Consumer Non-Durables Job Roles
Image Source- https://rb.gy/pe4w4

Within the consumer non-durables sector, an overabundance of occupational prospects unfolds. Among these roles include:

1. Production Workers And Associates

Average Yearly Salary – $40,310

Tasked with the creation of non-durable consumer goods integral to our daily lives, they may find themselves in manufacturing units, food processing plants, or akin establishments.

2. Sales Representatives

Average Yearly Salary – $74,213

Facilitators of non-durable consumer goods, connecting with consumers, retailers, and wholesalers alike in the process.

3. Marketing Experts And Managers

Average Yearly Salary – $74,013 

Architects of marketing campaigns, propelling the visibility of non-durable consumer goods and services. You will be happy to hear that sales and marketing jobs also come under the answers of how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables.

4. Customer Service Representatives

Average Yearly Salary – $74,016

Advocates for consumers seeking assistance or resolution pertaining to non-durable consumer goods or services.

5. Transporter And Logistic Manager

Average Yearly Salary – $68,182

Entrusted with the seamless conveyance of non-durable consumer goods from producers to end-users.

6. Warehouse Employees

Average Yearly Salary – $58,882

Custodians of the storage and logistical orchestration of non-durable consumer goods within warehouses and distribution hubs.

Additional Job Opportunities

Accounting and Finance Experts
Image Source- https://rb.gy/zo22z

I guess you get 40% ideas of how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables. Here are the names of additional consumer durable jobs.

  1. Scientists and Engineers: Pioneers in the creation and enhancement of novel non-durable consumer goods, perpetually refining offerings in the market.
  2. Managers: Stewards of the day-to-day operations within consumer non-durable enterprises, ensuring efficiency and efficacy.
  3. Accounting and Finance Experts: Guardians of the fiscal undertakings within consumer non-durable enterprises, ensuring financial stability.
  4. Human Resources Experts: Shepherds in the recruitment, development, and retention of personnel, vital in consumer-centric, non-durable enterprises.
  5. Information Technology Specialists: Architects and custodians of the technological infrastructure underpinning the operations of consumer non-durable enterprises.

What Are The High Salary Paying Roles In The Consumer Non-Durables?

Human Resource Manager
Image Source- https://rb.gy/dk45p

The consumer non-durables industry is fertile ground for individuals possessing a diverse array of skills and experience. It extends an array of employment prospects characterized by competitive remuneration and comprehensive benefits. Moreover, the industry’s expansion begets a manifold of avenues for professional advancement.

1. Supply Chain Managers

Average Yearly Salary – $121,631 

Commanders of product and service flow from suppliers to consumers, striving for punctuality and cost-effectiveness.

2. Marketing Managers

Average Yearly Salary – $75411

Orchestrators of marketing endeavors, deciphering target demographics, crafting messaging, and selecting optimal marketing channels.

3. Sales Managers

Average Yearly Salary – $85307

Leaders of the sales force, steering toward the attainment of sales objectives through strategic planning and team guidance.

4. Production Managers

Average Yearly Salary – $120,063

Overseers of the production process, committed to efficiency and upholding exacting standards of quality.

5. Human Resources Managers

Average Yearly Salary – $118,270

Custodians of all facets of employee relations, from recruitment and training to compensation, fostering a harmonious workplace, and mediating conflicts.

Career Road Map Of A Consumer Non-Durables Employees

Consumer Non-Durables Employees
Image Source- https://rb.gy/8v15j

The consumer non-durables sector augurs a promising employment landscape. The BLS projects a notable 7% surge in employment within this sector from 2020 to 2030, surpassing the average growth rate across all occupations. 

Factors including population expansion, augmented income levels, and burgeoning demand from developing nations are anticipated to fuel this growth.

The strategic approach is crucial for entering the consumer non-durables sector, as outlined in a brief roadmap.

Beginning Points: Entry-Level Roles and Internships

A career often begins with entry-level positions. The academic years also provide a great opportunity for internships, providing invaluable hands-on learning opportunities and wide-ranging networking opportunities.

Essential Proficiencies And Skills

While a bachelor’s degree in fields such as business administration, marketing, or engineering is typically sought, serious experience and skills can serve as ideal substitutes for formal education. It is vital to comprehend that expertise often trumps academia.

Essential Skills Sought By Employers

Attributes such as strong interpersonal skills, collaborative prowess, and astute problem-solving capabilities find themselves perched on a high pedestal. Moreover, a customer-centric disposition and a buoyant demeanor are pivotal attributes that employers fervently seek.

Pinnacle Strategies For Amplifying Triumph

Being proactive in networking is of crucial importance. Industry gatherings, alongside digital platforms like LinkedIn, serve as fertile grounds for developing professional connections. Additionally, personalizing both your resume and cover letter for each application, spotlighting pertinent skills and experiences, is a strategy that merits diligent attention. A well-rounded strategy is formed by enhancing your interview skills, anticipating common questions, and offering the interviewer insightful questions.

Benefits Essential To Consumer Non-Durables

Consumer Non-Durables
Image Source- https://shorturl.at/ajpG7

This sector offers a variety of roles, highlighted by competitive wages and a comprehensive benefits package. Furthermore, the industry’s burgeoning expansion paves the way for copious avenues of career progression. After knowing how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables it’s time to know the actual benefits of joining this industry.


Obtaining certifications in fields such as supply chain management, marketing, or human resources. This augmentation augments your marketability quotient significantly.

Community Service

Rendering voluntary services to organizations like food banks, shelters, or local nonprofits presents a dual benefit: an avenue for substantive experience and a forum for enlarging your professional network.

Entrepreneurship: Pioneering Your Venture

Establishing your own business in the consumer non-durables industry can be a rewarding endeavor if you have an entrepreneurial spirit. This endeavor not only accrues invaluable experience but also culminates in the development of a robust portfolio.

Parting Words Of Encouragement

To enter the consumer non-durables industry, determination and a proactive attitude stand as your strong allies. Remember that entrepreneurship is a journey filled with ups and downs, but the key is to stay determined and never give up. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors and fellow entrepreneurs who can offer guidance and inspiration along the way. 

Bottom Line

consumer non-durables
Image Source- https://shorturl.at/oI038

I hope you get now a complete idea of how many jobs are available in consumer non-durables. But joining any industry means you should have the passion to pursue your career in that field. You have to move forward with dedication and hard work, you have the potential to make a lasting impact in the consumer non-durables industry. May your efforts be rewarded!

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